

The Bandstand in the Park - History of a Landmark
The Bandstand in the Park - History of a Landmark

The Bandstand in the Park - History of a Landmark

Submitted by Anita M. Mance, Historian, November 2023

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 For over 100 years the bandstand has had a special spot in Edmund Lyon Park—the first park created in our community.  Originally called Vanderbilt Park, the area was just a large vacant space.  Then, Kate Gleason purchased the property, and donated the land to the village.  With help from the village’s Department of Public Works crew and workers from the Gleason Works Company in Rochester, the area was transformed into a beautiful park.  In 1916, the park was formally dedicated, and at Kate Gleason’s request, it was named in honor of Edmund Lyon,...
«November 2023»
Flu Shot Clinic

Flu Shot Clinic

East Rochester Community Center Flu Clinic

East Rochester Community Center in conjunction with CDS RX is hosting a FREE Vaccine Clinic.

317 Main Street, LL011
East Rochester, New York 14445

Date: November 27th
Time: 12p-2p

This event is FREE to attend and requires pre-registration. Please complete the form below to register and select which vaccines that you would like to receive.

To register, please contact Tasha Parrone at 585-385-3643.

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The Bandstand in the Park - History of a Landmark

The Bandstand in the Park - History of a Landmark

 For over 100 years the bandstand has had a special spot in Edmund Lyon Park—the first park created in our community.  Originally called Vanderbilt Park, the area was just a large vacant space.  Then, Kate Gleason purchased the property, and donated the land to the village.  With help from the village’s Department of Public Works crew and workers from the Gleason Works Company in Rochester, the area was transformed into a beautiful park.  In 1916, the park was formally dedicated, and at Kate Gleason’s request, it was named in honor of Edmund Lyon, one of the founders of our community.

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